English Language: Literature V/S Linguistics
Here knowing about other
aspects of English also has a very important role in it. That is
Literature V/s Linguistics. It's the main core of knowledge to English; to know
English you have to know these genres also. Both subjects are great aspects to
What is Literature?
First, to know what is English
Literature, Literature: It means words of Poetry and prose, it also means
imaginative or creative idea. It's an art of language and looking for its value.
It derived from the Latin word literature meaning " writing formed with
letters"; it also comments on poetry, prose, fiction, drama, non-fiction,
and songs, etc.
Literature is important
because it is life whoever learns literature understands life. It connects with
the truth of life misery, love, beauty, story, criticism, poetry. It's a
thought process, imaginatively creative ideas and through experiences of the
author's experiences, we know the literature.
What is Linguistics?
Linguistics means that to know
about knowledge and behavior. It has many aspects of human language involved
with sounds, ( Phonetics, Phonology words ( morphology), sentences ( syntax),
and semantics ( (meaning). Linguistics helps in reading, writing, and speaking.
By Linguistics we learn accent, language, vocal sounds by which we speak words,
sentences. It's a whole process of language to be spoken. It adds that to
improve communication skills. The people who study linguistics know well that
phonetics is the study of the sounds of speech. e.g : (r) and (l) are two
different sounds - and the words, ' road' and 'load' are different but in some
languages, (r) and (l) are variations of the same sound and in some sound are
silent like 'psychology and p is silent.
Literature Vs Linguistics :
The main difference
between literature and linguistics is known as the study of written works
with language and linguistics means the systematic study of a language,
the phonetics study. Linguistics is a scientific and an analytic approach study
of the structure and the elements of language and dealing with meaning and
within the structure of language. Literature is qualitative & linguistics is
In Linguistics there are many
genres of study like Phonology is a study of speech sounds, Morphology is the
study of how words are formed and syntax which is the meaning of a word, phrase
a text which is to use of language in context while literature explained as a
body of a written work like famous authors written their work in literature
like William Shakespearean dramas romance " Romeo and Juliet Tragedy
" Macbeth", "Jane Austen", Pride and prejudice", '
Wuthering Heights" also called classical literature. Literature has genres
like fiction, non-fiction, Wordsworth's poetry work, "the world is too much
with us", novel, drama, prose, biography, graphic novels and a lot much
work in literature. Literature is a little easy to understand and linguistics is
little hard study. Literature connected to literary theory and criticism etc.
It's a simple explanation of literature and linguistics. The phonetic chart has to be learned. Its vocal sounds how to speak with the correct accent.
Which is better Literature or linguistics?
Both are great and a favorite
of mine with one study we know about work written by authors and by others know
about the formation of speech, sound, and accent. It's a complete study by both
learnings of literature and linguistics. Both are wonderful subjects. my
personal is literature as I am more interested in writing. and my subject also
is literature. by both, we find variant aspects of knowledge. Both are broad
subject in own ways. If you are interested in the creative, imaginative, and
philosophical side then pick up literature as a subject it's better for you but
if you are interested in the phonetical study of speech, sound, and accent, to
more clear about accent then linguistics is your right choice.
Conclusion :
We just not compare or comply
with both subjects with each other as both have their plus points to study.
both are important subjects in English study. It purely based on your interest
or what you prefer more to absorb as a subject, the rest is in learning.
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